Iowa Central Distance Learning Enrollment Form

If you have not completed an application, please fill out our free application by clicking on the “Apply Now” link.  All students must apply prior to enrolling into classes. 

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Personal Information
First Name:
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Last Name:
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Date of Birth:
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Zip Code:
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Enrollment Information
* First, select how you plan to take classes at Iowa Central: Please select an item.
* Then select ONE program you are planning to major in from the options available: Please select an item.
Please select an item.

Online Classes Offered
Please select from the following list of online classes offered. If you are not sure which classes you would like to take, please contact our Admissions Office and speak with an advisor prior to enrolling into classes.

Spring 2025 Courses

ACC-111OL Introduction to Accounting (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
ACC-146OL Managerial Accounting (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
AGS-113OL Survey of the Animal Industry (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
ART-101OL Art Appreciation (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
ASL-131OL American Sign Language I (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
ASL-161OL American Sign Language II (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
BIO-102OL Introductory Biology (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
BIO-103OL Introductory Biology Lab (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
BIO-151OL Nutrition (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
BIO-168OL Human Anatomy and Physiology I (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
Proctor required for exams.
BIO-173OL Human Anatomy and Physiology II (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
Proctor required for exams.
BIO-186OL Microbiology (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
Proctor required for exams.
BUS-102OL Introduction to Business (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
BUS-112OL Business Math (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
BUS-121OL Business Communication (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
BUS-130OL Introduction to Entrepreneurship (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
BUS-185OL Business Law I (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
CHM-110OL Introduction to Chemistry (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
Proctor required for exams.
CHM-111OL Introduction to Chemistry Lab (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
CHM-130OL Introduction Organic and Biochemistry (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
Proctor required for exams.
CHM-131OL Introduction Organic and Biochemistry Lab (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
COS-109OL Theory of Hair and Hair Care Services II – SPRING ONLY (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
Students will be required to attend 3 face-to-face sessions at La' James. The 2025SP dates are: Thursday, February 13th - Thursday, March 27th - Thursday, May 1st
CRJ-100OL Introduction to Criminal Justice (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
CRJ-200OL Criminology (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
CSC-110OL Introduction to Computers (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
This course requires students to have access to MS Office Professional 2021 includes Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint.
DRA-101OL Introduction to Theatre (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
ECE-103OL Introduction to Early Childhood Ed (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
ECN-120OL Principles of Macroeconomics (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
ECN-130OL Principles of Microeconomics (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
EDU-213OL Introduction to Education (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
EDU-245OL Exceptional Learner (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
EDU-920OL Field Experience (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
ENG-105OL Composition I (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
ENG-106OL Composition II (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
FLS-142OL Elementary Spanish II (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
FLS-242OL Intermediate Spanish II (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
GEO-121OL World Regional Geography (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
HIS-110OL Western Civilization: Ancient to Early Modern (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
HIS-111OL Western Civilization: Early Modern to Present (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
HIS-151OL U.S. History to 1877 (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
HIS-152OL U.S. History Since 1877 (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
HSC-113OL Medical Terminology (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
HSV-162OL Introduction Human Disabilities and Services (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
LIT-101OL Introduction to Literature (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
LIT-110OL American Literature to Mid-1800's (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
MAT-111OL Mathematics for Liberal Arts (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
Proctor required for exams.
MAT-157OL Statistics (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
Proctor required for exams.
MGT-101OL Principles of Management (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
MKT-110OL Principles of Marketing (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
MUS-100OL Music Appreciation (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
PEC-107OL Sports and Society (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
PHI-101OL Introduction to Philosophy (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
PHI-145OL Introduction to Ethical Conflict (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
POL-111OL American National Government (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
PSY-111OL Introduction to Psychology (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
PSY-121OL Developmental Psychology (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
PSY-222OL Child Psychology (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
PSY-241OL Abnormal Psychology (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
PSY-251OL Social Psychology (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
REL-105OL Introduction to Religion (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
SOC-110OL Introduction to Sociology (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
SOC-115OL Social Problems (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
SOC-120OL Marriage & Family (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
SOC-140OL Human Behavior in the Social Environment (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
SOC-150OL Introduction to Human Services (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
SPC-112OL Public Speaking (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)
This course requires students to deliver 2025SPeeches on a recording device and upload them to the instructor. Student to provide their own recording device.
WBL-100OL Exploring Careers (1/14/25 - 5/5/25)

Summer 2025 Courses

ART-101OL Art Appreciation (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
BIO-151OL Nutrition (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
BIO-168OL Human Anatomy and Physiology I (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
Proctor required for exams.
BIO-173OL Human Anatomy and Physiology II (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
Proctor required for exams.
BIO-186OL Microbiology (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
Proctor required for exams.
BUS-102OL Introduction to Business (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
CHM-110OL Introduction to Chemistry (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
Proctor required for exams.
CHM-111OL Introduction to Chemistry Lab (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
CHM-130OL Introduction Organic and Biochemistry (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
Proctor required for exams.
CHM-131OL Introduction Organic and Biochemistry Lab (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
CSC-110OL Introduction to Computers (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
This course requires students to have access to MS Office Professional 2021 includes Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint.
ECN-120OL Principles of Macroeconomics (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
ENG-105OL Composition I (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
ENG-106OL Composition II (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
HIS-111OL Western Civilization: Early Modern to Present (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
HIS-151OL U.S. History to 1877 (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
HSC-113OL Medical Terminology (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
MAT-111OL Mathematics for Liberal Arts (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
Proctor required for exams.
MAT-157OL Statistics (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
Proctor required for exams.
MUS-100OL Music Appreciation (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
PHI-101OL Introduction to Philosophy (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
PHI-145OL Introduction to Ethical Conflict (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
POL-111OL American National Government (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
PSY-111OL Introduction to Psychology (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
PSY-121OL Developmental Psychology (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
PSY-251OL Social Psychology (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
REL-105OL Introduction to Religion (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
SOC-110OL Introduction to Sociology (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
SOC-115OL Social Problems (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
SOC-120OL Marriage & Family (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
SPC-112OL Public Speaking (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)
This course requires students to deliver speeches on a recording device and upload them to the instructor. Student to provide their own recording device.
WBL-100OL Exploring Careers (5/27/25 - 8/4/25)

You must check the box to the left in order to submit the form.
By checking this box I certify that the above statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I agree to abide by all approved policies as outlined in the current issue of the college catalog. I agree to report all changes, including name and address, to the Admissions Office.

Non-Discrimination Statement
It is the policy of Iowa Central Community College not to discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, creed, religion, and actual or potential family, parental, or marital status.

If you have questions or complaints related to compliance with this policy, please contact Stacy Ihrig, Executive Director of Human Resources, One Triton Circle, Fort Dodge, Iowa, 50501, Telephone: (515)-574-1138, Email:, or the Director of the Office for Civil Rights U.S. Department of Education, John C. Kluczynski Federal Building, 230 S. Dearborn Street, 37th Floor, Chicago, IL 60604-7204, Telephone: (312) 730-1560, Facsimile: (312) 730-1576, TDD 800-877-8339 Email:

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